Training Review

Sorry for the lack updates, really don’t have much time to update lately.

Just finished my first day of OA Framework : Building OA Framework Applications last October.
The trainer was good, he explained the very basic thing one needs to know about OA Framework, why Oracle changed direction from Oracle Forms to OA Framework, etc.

Basically the exercise on the training is the same as the exercise on the OA Framework Tutorial, however I would say it depends on your preference, if you prefer to have a theory and hands-on explanation before doing the tutorial, this training will help alot for you to understand the theory and basic development using Jdeveloper with OA Framework Extension.

However if you are the kind of person who normally enjoys reading manuals and tutorials by yourself, I think this training is not for you. I have done some of the tutorials by myself earlier so was a bit bored initially. Also since the class actually expects the person attend the class to understand java, it’s a bit hard especially at the end of the class for a pure PL/SQL person like me to familiarize with the syntax.

One of the things I find missing from this training is the trainer did not cover personalization and customizations in details.  If you’re a technical consultant, you will be mostly doing personalization or customizations, then you won’t find this training very much useful.

So in conclusion,in my opinion you can go for the OA Framework : Building OA Framework Applications training if :

– You have basic java programming knowledge.

– You will be building new applications or extension on Oracle Applications using OA Framework (Personalization and Customization is not covered on this training)

– You’re interested more in the theory and reason of the OA Framework architecture (EO,VO,AM,CO, etc) rather than practicing hands-on training in class (you will be more like copy-paste the code into JDeveloper).

Perhaps the other training will be more useful, depends on your job scope and what are you going to do with OA Framework.

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