Customizing OA Framework Applications vs Building OA Framework Applications

I am planning to take OAF course in Oracle Singapore, currently there are 2 courses available, it’s a rare opportunity having OAF courses here !

However these two courses are a bit confusing, I don’t know which one I should take :

1. 11i Extend Oracle Applications: Customizing OA Framework Applications

2. 11i Extend Oracle Applications: Building OA Framework Applications

I asked the question in OTN OAF Forum and here are their advices below, one is from Shiv Saroj

“The decision depends on your assignment requirement and your knowledge level of OAF. If you don’t know anything about OAF, then the customization course might be something very difficult to understand for you. But if your assignment involves customization, you need to specialize in that.So my suggestion will be go for Building OAF apps in case you don’t customization specific assignment. If your OAF basics are clear, you won’t have much issues with customization. Dev guide has some chapters on customization and many business specific threads on this forum.”

Another one from Sara Woodhull (Principal Product Analyst in the Oracle Applications Technology Group (ATG). ) :

“The Building class is meant for developers building pages and applications from scratch. We send our E-Business Suite Applications Division developers to this one to learn the basics of using OAF to build our E-Business Suite applications. This is also good for anyone else building pages and applications with OAF.The Customizing class is meant for consultants and customers who will be doing personalizations and extensions (our internal developers typically don’t). It covers lots of types of personalizations, extending BC4J objects, deployment of customizations, and so on. There is some overlap with the Building class for extensions (in both classes you need to learn to set up a project in JDeveloper, for example). Personalizations are not covered at all in the Building class, but we spend about two days on them in the Customizing class.Yes, you can certainly take one without the other. Yes, it’s good to take both, especially if you are a consultant and need all those skills in your mental toolbox.”

There are others opinions as well but I can’t post all of them here, you can check out from this link below :

Based on that , I came to a conclusion that I should take Building Courses first to built on the basics of OA Framework, once done I can take a look at the customization part from the developer’s guide or personalization guide.

Hope this can helps other who wants to begin into OA Framework technologies.

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